雅思高分寫作 IELTS/ Linguaskill Writing – Grammatical Range and Accuracy

IELTS 寫作測驗評分標準分為四項:

  1. Task Response : 任務完成/回答情況 
  2. Coherence and Cohesion:  文章結構與連貫性
  3. Lexical Resource :  詞彙使用
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy : 文法及正確性

在本篇文章中,我示範 #雅思寫作 #Writing #Task 2 #申論題, 考官必須要看到的關鍵。清楚這些關鍵,考生應在40分鐘內,寫出一篇符合考官要求 Grammatical Range and Accuracy, 有#文法及正確性 的文章。

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Marking Scheme 寫作測驗評分標準

先細讀要拿到寫作測驗 Band 7 或以上,在Grammatical Range and Accuracy, 考官對你的文章的要求是:

Band 9 : uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’

Band 8 : uses a wide range of structures, the majority of sentences are error-free, makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies

Band 7 : uses a variety of complex structures, produces frequent error-free sentences, has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors

To score this criterion, things taken into consideration include :

句子結構 sentence structures

描述不同時間的事情要用正確的時態變化表現 proper use of tenses

標點符號 putting right punctuations

表達意見時,要用清楚、文法無錯誤的簡單和複雜句型去呈現 use of simple as well as complex statements with clear idea and control over Grammar.

A Wide Range of Structures | A Variety of Complex Structures

大家可以清楚看到, 不管是7分8分還是9分, 都要求看到文章裏需要用到a variety of complex structures. 究竟要寫出怎樣的句子才可以展現出 a wide range of structure呢?

文章結構是否有 (  a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy ),看起來是否流暢,以下是關鍵:

六大劍橋考官喜歡看到的結構句子 Six types of sentences used in the IELTS Writing Task 2

  1. Simple Sentence
  2. Compound Sentence
  3. Complex Sentence
  4. Passive Sentence
  5. Question Sentence
  6. Conditional Sentence

1. Simple Sentences 簡單句

Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb + Object

When you use simple sentences with having only one idea, it is classified into a simple sentence.
For example – Prompt: Immigration has a major impact on the society.

  • People prefer to move to developed nations.
  • People move for a better education.

The above two sentences are simple sentences with ‘subject’, ‘verb’ & ‘object’. You should include simple sentences in your writing, but again you will need variety.

2. Compound sentences 複合句

Compound Sentence =1 idea + ( conjunction ) +  1 idea

It is classified when there is one idea + 1 idea in your sentence. a sentence made from two independent sentences joined by “and”, “or”, or “but”, as in “Mary read and Tom slept.”
For example – Prompt: Immigration has a major impact on the society.

  • People prefer to move to the developed nations for better educations.

When you add two simple sentences with the help of conjunctions are known as compound sentences. And, for, yet, but, so, or, nor, are a few examples of conjunctions that you can use in your writing exam.

3. Complex Sentences 複合句 + 簡單句

2 ideas + ( conjunction )  1 idea

包括了兩個獨立子句與一個或一個以上的從屬子句,  經由對等連接詞 連結,形成複合句。2 or more ideas in your sentence make it the complex sentence, and the examiner will be going to look at the following words in your writing.

考官要看到連接兩句句子或三句句子中間的Conjunction 對等連接詞 :

For example – Prompt: Immigration has a major impact on the society.

  • There has been a trend where people are migrating to various countries.

再簡單一點來說, Complex Sentence 指一句句子中,至少要有兩三句以上的子句組成; 句子與子句中間,需要有以上的 對等連接詞 連結。
The complex sentence coordinates two or more ideas into a single sentence. 

Write at least five complex sentences using these words and these are the sentences which make you win in IELTS Writing exam.

4. Passive Sentence

In passive sentences, you reversed the subject and the object.

For example – Prompt: Immigration has a major impact on the society.

  • Active: Migration has affected the literacy rate of the country.
  • Passive: Country’s literacy rate has been affected by migration.

Passive sentences are also essential to show a variety of sentence types.

5. Question Sentence

It is advised to use one question type sentence in your writing. This will work in your favour if you place the question sentence correctly.

For example – Prompt: Immigration has a major impact on the society.

  • But what consequences can it lead?

You can use simple sentence for this, don’t try to complicate the question type sentence. You can add the question type sentence in your introduction part to create an excellent narrative voice for the essay.

6. Conditional Sentence

就是「if」的使用。使用有以下三種:如果看完以下的if 例句, 你還是不明白的話, 趕快來找我問清楚就對了~
Conditional sentences are those sentences that start with ‘If’ and express the factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences.

For example – Prompt: Immigration has a major impact on the society.

  • If the government had stopped immigration earlier, then we would not have this issue now.
Sources : Core and Corner

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記得多關注雅思考試官方的寫作評分標準, 來衡量自己的寫作, 是否符合你想拿到的分數的規定。
You can also refer to the IELTS Writing Task 2 – Band Descriptors to know in detail.

Published by Annie Mok

About Me 資歷// 香港理工大學英文學系. 語言與商業 | 英國劍橋大學語言測試考試院 Cambridge Assessment English. Linguaskill 劍橋領思職場英語檢測 訓練顧問 | 豐富英語教學經驗 | 外商經驗. 世界公民[瑞典.法國.荷蘭.肯亞.英國.香港.泰國. 台灣. 巴西.美國] My Concept 教學理念// [國際視野 + 實踐 Practice] 引導培養學生獨立思考的能力 延伸更多的點子

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